DeSat Engines is specially designed for engines and has dramatic advantages for all gas-fueled engines in particular. Let us explain how you can make money with a DeSat Engine Unit by using a vacuum dehydrating unit in your gas-fueled engines.
Water is thé component that – as a catalyst - accelerates oxidation and nitration in the oil. If we turn to other fuels that have acidic components, the water will also be crucial in the degradation of the oil. By using the DeSat, the oil will remain optimal and will have a positive effect on the oils' lifespan and therefore ultimately for your engines.
Degradation in lubricating oil is dependent on several items. Long studies show that the level of cleanliness is the biggest issue. First, the abrasive wear and tear: particles create more particles, so this will take off material and cause parts to go out of specification.
Then, a long-misunderstood wear factor is, water in oil: this will speed up oxidation and polymerization. Water also changes the conductivity of the oil, the process of galvanic corrosion.
Unfortunately, keeping the oil dry is not standard practice and it's a common belief that if the oil has a working temperature higher than 70 degrees Centigrade, the water will evaporate out of the system. The lowest Ferro will be dissolved. If this is neglected, serious damage may occur, such as bearing failure, piston-ring failure, and bore polishing.
Throughout Rob's long career as a tribologist and engine professional, Rob has noticed that lubricant oil is neglected, and simply replaced when necessary. The point we are making is simple. To keep your business flowing without the high maintenance costs, oil should be kept clean and dry. And DeSat has to lowest cost solution for you.
The DeSat is designed to remove contaminants like particulate, water and gasses. Due to our unique process we vaporize all of it.
If lubricant oils are not maintained well, the lifespan of these oils will become truly short, which in turn implies that the machines, being lubricated by these oils, also face a reduction in their lifespan.
By keeping the lubricant oils clean, with an exceptionally low ppm (Parts per million) content, lifespans of both oil and machine are significantly extended often by years. The advantages are dramatic like high maintenance costs and don't forget the energy costs.
* if our optional filter is used